Sunday, November 21, 2010

QWERTY Keyboard for Iphone

If you’re one of those who has always been bitching about the lack of a QWERTY keyboard on the iPhone and how this has stopped you from rushing out to your favourite Maxis/DiGi outlet to buy one, here’s your chance.  It’s sadly not manufactured by Apple, but hey, as long we get damned QWERTY keyboard, who cares who makes it, right?

Boxwave has started pre-orders for what they call the Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4 case.  You slip the phone into a case which also has a slide out Bluetooth keyboard.  Now if only that case also had a battery pack which can recharge the iPhone 4, life would be perfect, and all of us would own iPhones  :P  US$70 (RM 218) before shipping is added gets you the case, and it ships from 14th December, just in time for Christmas.  Hint…


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