Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to insert SimCard into Iphone 4

everyone sure looking how to use a standard sim card into iphone 4 because it uses a Micro SIM which is 15 mm × 12 mm in size while the standard Mini SIM is 25 mm × 15 mm in size. To insert a SIM in iPhone 4, follow the steps below:
paper clip 1. Take a simple paper clip and make it straight.
2. Check the right side of your iPhone 4 to locate the SIM tray as shown below:
Photo of top edge of iPhone 4 showing stereo minijack, second microphone, and sleepwake button
3. Insert the pin into the small hole and push it slightly until the tray pops-out. Now pull out the sim card tray with your hands.
Inserting SIM in iPhone 4
Watch the video below:
4. Place your Micro SIM card into the SIM tray. Make sure it fits perfectly and the golden circuit side of SIM is faced downwards.
5. Push the tray back into slot the same manner you ejected it out. You’ll hear a click upon successfully placing the tray in its place.
6. Wait for iPhone to recognize the SIM card. 


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