Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to make google greet our birthday!

Everyone will have their birthday celebrated once a year, but this is the most creative way to have someone non human greet our birthday! Once you opened the browser ( For Firefox, Chrome only, and other browser you must set their home browsing to google automatically greet our birthday!.
Google has regularly changes the logo on its main search page for festive occasions and important events, such as Bruce Lee’s 70th Birthday and the 50th Anniversary of the Flintstones.
So is your birthday also an important event? I believe it is a YES, right? And Google should celebrate your birthday too! Guess what, you can ask Google to greet your happy birthday on your birthday with a
personalized birthday greeting doodle.

What you need to do to get the personalized birthday doodle is first go to your Google Profile page at In your profile page, click on Edit Profile, then go to the Contact info tab and enter your date of birth. Done!


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