Deciding whether or not your company should have an Exchange backup is a big of a "no brainer". There is no reason why, in today's highly volatile internet world, that you shouldn't do all you can to secure the data that you have. The number of threats are higher than ever and if you don't have a viable backup ready to go at any time, you could end up being out of business faster than you could ever imagine.
The purpose of an Exchange backup is to make sure that there is always a backup of all of your server's information, from documents and mailboxes, to all the applications and user preferences. Having these all stored in a separate location is essential, too. Many companies have made the mistake of storing their backup in the same location as their server, only to see both the server and the backup literally go up in flames together.
If you think that the only threat to your network is from a virus, then think again. In fact, the most common threat to any computer system is from people doing things that they shouldn't be doing, such as changing preferences, passwords, installing bad software, or downloading documents that have viruses attached to them. This is not to mention the fact that many systems are also brought down by people who are intentionally doing damage to a server in order to gain some kind of advantage or to get revenge.
Having an Exchange backup application running is one of the most important things you could ever do to make sure that your data and applications are always safe. By keeping the backup in a safe and separate location and by running the software often, you will always have a sense of security and know that you can make it through any disaster.
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